Table of Nations

Communism Regulations & Tax are designed so that only the Indians can conduct business in on everything to make us serve them instead of Canaan and Ishmael serving us The Jew & the Gentile Pocahontis and Roxanne, Cleopatra, Nefertiti, Jezebel, Delilah & hagar Isis plot to kill all black & White women of America Moab & Amon are the Chinese and the Japanese from Lot turned yellow from Atomic blast from Sodom and Gomorrah are shemites mixed with Japheth The Gentiles are the Eskimo who became the Hopi, Blackfoot, Tiano= Latino & Mayan Indian. Melania trump & Donald Trump in News Paper are correct Hitler = Sephardic Jew kills Gentile Obama is Cherokee Vowel = India Cuba Chin umberto Moab & Amon = Atomic Bomb Noah used Testubes to gather Sperm The Flood killed all so-called Indians/ people who came to America 11,000 years ago. That's why you must keep the Bible in school because it is your history True proof No Bible in School Harvard Indian School Roxann Wolf pac just keep coming til you get worn out Rekayon family member of Nimrod did a death Tax & got away with it so they Tax everything, weather Tax regulations less straw to make it harder to make brick=less money to support yourself